DIY Garden Tool Disinfectant Recipe

spraying red secateurs with DIY garden tool disinfectant spray

Hygiene in the garden is essential! It’s incredibly easy to transfer plant pathogens and diseases from one plant to another by using dirty tools. Even if your tools look clean, you really don’t know what is lurking at a microbial level on your favourite pair of secateurs.

After a lot of trial and error, I’ve come up with a fantastic homemade recipe that will leave your tools clean and prevent the spread of plant pests, diseases, and pathogens.

It is advised to spray your tools with this tool disinfectant every time you move between plants.


Materials & Ingredients

1 Spray Bottle
1 Funnel
Methylated spirits
Essential oil (lavender, tea-tree or Eucalyptus, Optional)


Using the funnel, fill a spray bottle to roughly a quarter full with methylated spirits, then fill the rest of the bottle with water. Add 2-5 drops of your essential oil. (optional)

Tips/ Notes.

  • Exact measurements for this garden disinfectant spray are not essential.

  • Don’t exceed more than a few drops of essential oil.

What each ingredient does:

Methylated spirits - is close to pure alcohol, is a disinfectant and used to sterilise medical equipment.

Water - We dilute the disinfectant spray with water to make it last longer and go further as well as save money on active ingredients, this does not make the spray less effective.

Essential oil (Lavender) - Has Antibacterial and antifungal properties, As well as cutting through grime and grease, it also smells divine!


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